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Christmas Silk Flower Vase Large Arrangement Décor Gift

1e42b3c5 148f 4136 9cae 2094fba215832bbe399c 3ffe 46ef 9331 957d7d8399db3d77316c 0d23 4ec6 B561 96b444678e638c1a5a14 82fd 433b 9ebd Fb7ecc2a843e9a648f7b 2999 4b14 82b8 C357810be7be30f00856 E826 4b71 96ad 102ecd11f20d937d6bca 270b 4a75 85bc F29f4d1a29f661125870 188e 418f B7a1 D834aceb7761D344bf17 Bad0 4d8c B3b1 6eae040b78fc
1e42b3c5 148f 4136 9cae 2094fba21583
2bbe399c 3ffe 46ef 9331 957d7d8399db
3d77316c 0d23 4ec6 B561 96b444678e63
8c1a5a14 82fd 433b 9ebd Fb7ecc2a843e
9a648f7b 2999 4b14 82b8 C357810be7be
30f00856 E826 4b71 96ad 102ecd11f20d
937d6bca 270b 4a75 85bc F29f4d1a29f6
61125870 188e 418f B7a1 D834aceb7761
D344bf17 Bad0 4d8c B3b1 6eae040b78fc

A beautiful Christmas arrangement of silk flowers.

A lovely festive silk arrangement of Christmas flowers and foliage. 

The perfect gift for a loved one or a nice decoration for the home. 

Approximately 60cm tall overall.

Handmade to order. 

Have something else in mind? Get in touch for a quote! 

Images are for illustrative purposes only. The flowers you receive may vary.

Save £10.00Sale ends 31 Dec 10:33pm