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Silk Gift Bouquets

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Luxury Large Faux Red Rose Bouquet Gift

A luxury arrangement of 30 silk red roses in a bouquet box.

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Silky's Silk Flower Wrap Bouquet

A seasonal arrangement of silk flowers.

Bouquet Box Red Rose Black
Silk Flower Dozen Rose Bouquet in a Box

A luxury arrangement of red roses in a bouquet box.

Country Mix Box Bouquet
Artificial Flower Bouquet in a Box Hospital Gift

A beautiful bouquet box filled with natural looking wild styled artificial flowers.

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Silkys by Sophia Large Bouquet Gift

A bright mix of luxury silk flowers arranged in a pretty floral box.

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Silkys by Sophia Medium Bouquet Gift

A bright mix of luxury silk flowers arranged in a pretty floral box.

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Silkys by Sophia Wrap Bouquet Gift

A bright mix of luxury silk flowers arranged in a pretty wrap.

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White Cottage Luxury Silk Flower Bouquet Arrangement Gift for the Home

A luxury arrangement of cottage flowers in silks, ideal to stand in a vase in the home.

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Peony Silk Flower Wrap Bouquet Pink and Ivory

A luxury arrangement of silk peonies in pink and ivory, ideal for the home.

Wild Natural Box Bouquet Gift Pair
Silk Wild Flower Box Bouquet Gift

A beautiful bouquet box filled with natural looking artificial flowers.

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Silk Flower Box Bouquet Pink Rose Gift

A beautiful bouquet of luxury, large silk pink roses, all colours available.
